NOFA has been actively involved in the USDA Organic Transitions Initiative called the Transition to Organic Partnership Program (TOPP). These community agreements have been formed nationwide in 6 regions. The Northeast region includes all of the NOFA State Chapters (CT, MA, NH, NJ, NY, RI, and VT), Maine Organic Farmers and Gardeners Association (MOFGA), Pennsylvania Certified Organic (PCO), Virginia Association for Biological Farming (VABF) and West Virginia Food and Farm Coalition (WVFFC). Through this partnership network, we are establishing a mentorship program for farmers transitioning to organic certification on their land. These organizations and additional committed partners in each state are providing direct farmer training, education, and outreach activities. The Northeast TOPP Region has recruited 90 mentee farmers and a similar number of mentors to launch the mentorship program in November and December of 2023. We were proud to be able to present the Northeast region’s progress to Jenny Tucker, Deputy Administrator for the National Organic Program, and to the National Organic Standards Board in Providence, RI in October. Interested organic farmer mentors, transitioning farmers, and partners can learn more at the TOPP website.
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